
Showing posts from July, 2020

Positive Psychology Practitioner Certificate | Three Core Strengths of Positive Psychology

Although you may be just now hearing about positive psychology, it has actually been around since the late 1990's. This subset of psychology focuses primarily on the strengths, talents and virtues contributing to successful function that help both individuals and communities thrive. Some common themes within positive psychology are happiness, well-being, resilience, and states of engagement and flow. Focuses of Positive Psychology The field of psychology has mostly been focused on the diagnosis and treatment of human psychological problems, with an additional focus on minimizing negative emotions and behaviors. This has left an opening for PositivePsychology Practitioner that focuses more on positive and optimal functioning. This movement is involved with identifying and enhancing human strengths that make life worthwhile. Unlike some pop psychology movements, positive psychology relies upon perspectives based upon science to help improve one's well-being. Positive psych...

Positive Mental Health | Integrating Positive Psychology and Mental Health

Positive psychology is an understanding of what it takes to be the best versions of ourselves. It focusses on the positive emotions we can experience, such as happiness, joy and love and encourages people to maximise these positives. Positive Psychology Training contributes to a happier mental state, better wellbeing and improved mental health. Psychology studies the mind, human behaviour, emotions and thoughts. Positive psychology homes in on the positives of these areas. In mind, thoughts and emotions, this includes optimism, inspiration, confidence, hopefulness and satisfaction with life. In terms of human behaviour, positive psychology looks at our interactions with others in the world, like our compassion, kindness and gratitude. Improving our life satisfaction and quality of life is something that is down to us. It is made up of little changes, step by step, moving towards new attitudes and a new life outlook. If you feel sad or low at the moment, take some time for reflecti...

Positive Psychology Practitioner Certificate | A Radical Change in our Education System

Our current schooling model is outdated, inefficient, and fundamentally wrong. Positive education is a new term that describes an alternate form of education. It is based on using positive psychology to not only promote a student’s academic success, but the improvement of their character and personal well-being as well.             Too often school systems are only focused on test scores and graduation rates. The personal growth of each individual student is left by the wayside in favor of shooing them through the grade system. PositivePsychology Training will look to change this completely. It is still in its infant stages as far as practical application goes, but studies point towards this style of education as a possible solution to our lackluster education setup. Read ahead to see how positive education came about, and what its future promises to be.             Histo...

Positive Psychology: The Science of Increased Well-Being During COVID-19

Hiding beneath the ever-present threat of COVID-19 and the devastation caused by the unprecedented pandemic is a crisis of another kind: A massive surge in issues regarding mental health. Much has been written on the implications dramatic changes to daily life have for communities of all kinds, but still overlooked is the strain the pandemic is putting on our well-being. Some surveys suggest that close to half of those surveyed have seen ‘ a substantial negative impact’ to their mental well-being during this time. Given that the light hasn’t quite yet appeared at the end of the tunnel, now is an important time to learn more about positive psychology and the science of increased well-being.             Positive Psychology Practitioner , though trendy as of late, has emerged from decades of diligent research into how our mindsets influence the way we move through the world. The premise of positive psychology is relatively straig...

Positive Health: Applying Positive Psychology to Increase Health | Positive Psychology Program

Healthcare has, for many decades, extolled the virtues of diet and exercise. If you only ate the right things and kept up with regular exercise, you would inevitably live a long and healthy life, as sure as water runs downhill. Or so the story goes. However, recent research is painting a more complicated picture. Contrary to the idea that your mind is sealed off from your body, modern science is coming to understand how thoughts can influence every aspect of your health. Positive Psychology Program have been associated with healthier and longer lives, as well as a greater sense of well-being. Meanwhile, chronic anger, worry and hostility can lead to the development of heart disease. Therefore, the slogan of yesteryear: you are what you eat, has found a companion: you are what you think. Health isn't just a state of being; it's a state of mind. Chronic Stress Damages Your Body People appreciate the damage smoking or even drinking does to the body. But stress can be just a...

Applied Positive Psychology and Management Consulting | Positive Psychology Certificate

Positive psychology is the study of an individual’s or group’s strengths that allow them to thrive in any situation.   Its goal is to allow people to discover exactly what they are good at, enjoy doing, etc. and lead more fulfilled lives through that discovery.   It has been called “the science of happiness.”   In practice, PositivePsychology Certificate is geared toward helping people find meaning in their lives, with the goal being that this leads them to be happier, more fulfilled people.   As a result, this helps them become more productive both individually and within groups.   For companies and organizations, the cost of hiring trained positive psychologists is well worth the increase in productivity they tend to see after making that investment.   Employees in these companies benefit from these consultants because they are better able to identify their strengths while the organizations benefit from the increased level of happiness reported b...

Foundations of Positive Psychology | Positive Psychology Program

Positive psychology is a field with psychology, including the positive aspects of human life that makes life worth living. It focuses on the individuals and societal norms that make a 'good life'. Positive Psychology was formed in 1998, and it was against conventional practices focusing on the negative aspects of life. It suggests that there are many ways humans acquire happiness. It could be our family, friends, social network, power, or money that brings us joy. Positive Benchmarks Positive Psychology takes optimism, self-confidence, and hope as indicators of prosperity. After studying the effects of these factors on people's lives, researchers find that wealth is the primary/key factor which can satisfy a person to his fullest. Besides that, some other variables like strong kinships, significant connections, and a sense of purpose are substantial supporters of human prosperity. Near Martin Seligman, a notable psychologist, and researcher, there are three potential ways o...