Positive Psychology Practitioner Certificate | Three Core Strengths of Positive Psychology
Although you may be just now hearing about positive psychology, it has actually been around since the late 1990's. This subset of psychology focuses primarily on the strengths, talents and virtues contributing to successful function that help both individuals and communities thrive. Some common themes within positive psychology are happiness, well-being, resilience, and states of engagement and flow. Focuses of Positive Psychology The field of psychology has mostly been focused on the diagnosis and treatment of human psychological problems, with an additional focus on minimizing negative emotions and behaviors. This has left an opening for PositivePsychology Practitioner that focuses more on positive and optimal functioning. This movement is involved with identifying and enhancing human strengths that make life worthwhile. Unlike some pop psychology movements, positive psychology relies upon perspectives based upon science to help improve one's well-being. Positive psych...