Understanding Positive Psychology in Our Everyday Life | Positive Psychology Practitioner

 Positive Psychology Program is concerned with how people are happy, optimistic, and experience general well-being in all areas of life. It is based on the means and conditions that lead to the optimal functioning of a person, group or organization. Rather than being interested in what is wrong, such as mental illnesses, Positive Psychology Training seeks to understand and promote everything that allows for personal growth.

Positive psychology is interested in the causes and how certain animals and people can overcome the difficulties of life. This positive outlook exists in every person and can be cultivated and used with positive psychology.

The goal of positive psychology is to promote self-fulfillment, whether at the level of an individual, group or society. It studies optimal functioning and everything that determines well-being.

Positive Psychology Practitioner

Positive Psychology Certificate is often confused with "positive thinking" which is based on popular works, without scientific credit. Positive psychology is a field of psychology, recognized and developed by professional and qualified psychologists, on the basis of scientific research.

It therefore arises as the scientific study of the positive aspects of life, focusing on what is going well and on the positive potentials of an individual in order to promote a feeling of well-being and accomplishment. The idea of ​​this concept is indeed to encourage people (who do not necessarily consult a psychotherapist) to become more fulfilled in their life.


Characteristics of positive psychology

Positive psychology, through a scientific method, seeks to determine what makes a person fulfilled, who moves forward, crosses difficulties and always goes towards greater happiness. It allows thinking about improving human well-being, focusing on the study of what builds health, and not just what hinders it.

Positive psychology is interested in the optimal functioning of the human being through several characteristics such as:

·         Subjective experiences, such as positive emotions: happiness, well-being, satisfaction and optimism.

·         Resilience capacities, that is to say the ability to overcome a difficult event (bereavement, job loss, or romantic breakup, for example).

·         Positive personality traits like gratitude, wisdom, courage, or curiosity.

·         Positive values ​​conveyed by society, such as respect, civility and work.

Its goal is to develop the capacity to love and be loved. It allows you to give meaning to your actions, to feel responsible for what you can change, and to be resilient in the face of what you cannot avoid.


Positive psychology in everyday life

Positive Psychology Practitioner is very accessible and popular with the general public. It allows you to develop and manage many aspects of life such as the joy of living, success, self-confidence, personal projects, or difficult events for example. It is therefore very easy to apply it on a daily basis.

You can use different techniques to achieve positive psychology such as:

·         Write in a journal (at least once a week) the most positive events that have been experienced and how they have been contributed.

·         Establish new relationships regularly by communicating with new people you meet.

·         Communicate your emotions with those around you, without repressing or keeping to yourself.

·         Develop your attention to the present moment.

·         Develop your creativity to solve problems.

Certificate in Positive Psychology encourages personal development and optimal functioning through the development of all the potentialities of the person. Opening up to new possibilities for progress on a daily basis helps to fight against the feeling of confinement and routine.


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