
Showing posts from August, 2020

Three Levels of Positive Psychology | Positive Psychology Practitioner

  Positive psychology focuses on the things in life that make life worth living. Typically, psychology emphasizes our shortcomings, instead of the potential we all have. Positive Psychology Training targets not at fixing problems, but researching the things that make life great. Mainstream psychology can have a tendency to bring us down, while positive psychology tends to bring us up into better people overall. Historically, this was not the intention of original psychologists, but through practice, it accidentally became a negative experience. Psychology’s original intention was to not only cure mental illness, but to improve normal lives and nurture talents. However, the last two tasks got lost in translation throughout the years. Positive Psychology Practitioner focuses on positive experiences, like happiness and inspiration, as well as positive traits and positive institutions.   There are three levels of Positive Psychology Program : The study of positive experience...

Understanding Positive Psychology in Our Everyday Life | Positive Psychology Practitioner

  Positive Psychology Program is concerned with how people are happy, optimistic, and experience general well-being in all areas of life. It is based on the means and conditions that lead to the optimal functioning of a person, group or organization. Rather than being interested in what is wrong, such as mental illnesses, Positive Psychology Training seeks to understand and promote everything that allows for personal growth. Positive psychology is interested in the causes and how certain animals and people can overcome the difficulties of life. This positive outlook exists in every person and can be cultivated and used with positive psychology. The goal of positive psychology is to promote self-fulfillment, whether at the level of an individual, group or society. It studies optimal functioning and everything that determines well-being. Positive Psychology Certificate is often confused with "positive thinking" whic...

Positive Psychology Practitioner | How to Increase Self-Love?

  Without self-love, we tend to be constantly down on ourselves, not believe in our abilities, and not be grateful for our Positive Psychology Practitioner traits. If we can cultivate this love, however, we can come to appreciate ourselves, accept our flaws, and celebrate what makes us different. People who have self-love tend to stress less and achieve more, as well as have more successful relationships.             There are a few shifts you can make to lead yourself in the direction of self-love. First, don’t assign negative labels to yourself, such as “lazy” or “worthless,” and work to shift any of these labels you already identify with into positive ones. Even if you do perform negatively in some aspects of life, forgive yourself for your mistakes. Adopt the belief that through your efforts you can facilitate improvements with Certificate in Positive Psychology . Another step to self-love is working to actively take c...

How Positive Psychology Can Impact Your Personal and Professional Life?

  Before we understand the importance of Positive Psychology Certificate , it is essential to remember that we live in a society that is increasingly looking for professional success and we have to live with evils that lurk in our daily lives, such as stress, for example. It is no longer a surprise to anyone, but depression has become the disease of the century. According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the disease affects 4.4% of the world population. With this data it is possible to perceive the relevance of Positive Psychology Program today. Unlike traditional psychology, it seeks to focus on the good in order to improve what is wrong. This field of psychology aims to reduce human suffering, promoting happiness. The goal is to identify what makes a person happy and use it to treat psychological illnesses, always trying to bring the good in situations. This is one of the areas of psychology that is extremely important for society. Like the course itself, it...

Positive Psychology Training | All You Need To Know About Positive Psychology

  People have a new favorite term to throw around, and that is positive psychology. While it is commonly used these days, it is necessary to know what exactly it entails. So, if you’re unsure of what this might mean, then don’t worry. We have come up with all the relevant details when it comes to positive psychology to help you understand everything you need to. So, stay tuned, and find out!   What Is Positive Psychology?   Before we get on to anything else, the first thing that we need to answer is what is Positive Psychology Program ? Essentially, positive psychology refers to the study of human emotions and behaviors while focusing on their strengths rather than their weaknesses. This means that you’re not being assessed by what you lack. Instead, you take on all the good things in life and measure these.  The main focus of positive psychology is on a person positive experiences such as things that give you joy and happiness; positive traits such as grat...

4 Ways to Apply Positive Psychology Every day to Enhance Your Life | Positive Psychology Practitioner

  Everyone loses their sense of optimism at some point in their lives. This happens because life gets difficult and we don’t know how to cope with it. Positive Psychology Practitioner is for such purposes only as it helps us understand how to be resilient in the face of adversity and lead a positive life. The next time you are down in the dumps and can’t figure out a way to pull yourself out of it, here are a few tips you can apply. Even apart from that, you should make these tips your daily habits to lead a more positive and happy life.   Practice Gratefulness This is one of the best approaches because it helps us focus on what we have. Research has shown that people who use gratitude as their mantra are happier, positive, sleep better, and are compassionate. This is because gratefulness is all about focusing on what we have. This puts everything into perspective and helps us feel positive.  Every day, start your day by saying 5 things you are thankful for in ...